Om Banna " Bullet Banna "

If you are travelling through the Pali-Jodhpur highway in Rajasthan without worshipping the bullet baba, beware, there is no surety that you would reach your destination. The vehicle riding through here passes without stopping by blowing the horn and that is the offering for baba.

I heard about a temple for actress Khushboo in Tamil Nadu. It invoked my fancy when I heard about a temple for bullet lovers. The journey to Jodhpur was in bullet. So there is no chance to move without worshipping the bullet temple. After moving 20 km from Pali, on the way side stood a dwarf tree, which attained black color due to continuous exposure to fire and smoke. Not a single leaf was in green color. But still the tree stood blossomed. But the flowers were different colors of bangles and handkerchief offered by the devotees in the form of their various prayers and wishes. They believed that bullet baba would fulfill all their wishes.

`Om Banna' that is the name of this road side village. The village also attained the name from bullet baba. The people here started to worship the bullet from not so long. The reincarnation story of baba is not so old too. The incident occurred in 1991. Om Singh was the son of Jog Singh, who was the head of Chottila village, which is only three km away from Banna village. When the youth belong to Rajaputra clan use to suffix Banna to their names, Om Singh was known in the name Om Banna. Om Banna bought bullet immediately after his marriage. His love towards his bullet was very unusual. Banna while riding his bullet from Chottila to Pali, met with an accident as his bullet hit a tree and he fell into a pit and died. The next day police recovered his body from a 20 feet deep pit.

Police took the bike to police station. According to faithful, the bike, which was in the police station, was mysteriously found at the accident site. Thinking that somebody might have done consciously, police again brought it back to the station and emptied the petrol tank. But on that night too the incident repeated. Out of fear, the policemen handed over the bike to Banna's relatives. They sold the same to a person from Gujarat. But mysteriously the bike returned to the accident spot covering 400 km distance. The person who bought it also abandoned it. As such instances kept on recurring, a temple was founded here. The stories go on like this

Another one is that, during the night of Banna's death, the soul of Om Banna asked a lift to a driver of the truck, which was passing though the road. While it reached the accident spot, Banna asked the driver to blow the horn. `For whatever purpose you are moving ahead, that would be fulfilled, Banna said and disappeared. The devotees say that they hear the roar of his bullet in the midnight from the day on which he died. They also believe that his soul might be with the bike still now.

The rituals began in the temple four years back. Now the temple has a priest too. While hearing the word temple, don't assume it as big building. A basement had been built attaching the tree in which the bullet was hit. There kept a photo of Om Banna and an idol made of marble. The poojas are being performed here. The devotees perform the libation of beer in this idol. . Behind that the bullet was kept under a roofed place. The devotees said during Ashatmi day, the bullet starts itself! A part of the petrol tank has been worn out.

The people living surrounding the village have great belief over baba. During wedding, the newlyweds come and worship here. The members of Rajputra families bring their newborn here. They see Banna as their inherited god. They perform the ritual of removing their baby's hair here only. As the consumption of liquor is recognized among the Rajputras, the beer is offered here.

Surrounding the temple are shops seen like in temple festivals. All the pooja materials can be bought here and liquor too, but only as offerings to baba. The unending clamor of horns would pierce your ears and adding to that was the devotional songs played through the cone speaker. After worshipping the bullet baba and going towards Jodhpur I thought, here is a God, in the form of a vehicle.

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